
Imprint (Kopie)

KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH

Business Executive
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Turloff

Dipl.-Ing. Lars Wittmann

Board of Directors
Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Schwert

Dipl.-Ing. SFI-EWE Herbert Pankow

Stephan Hüther

Motzener Straße 14 a
12277 Berlin

Registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court
Berlin-Charlottenburg at the number HRB 125034 B
Value added tax identification number: DE 136655660


phone: +49 30 311762-0
fax: +49 30 311762-490




The entry of personal or business data (email address, name, address) in the "Contacts" area is expressly made on a voluntary basis by the user. These data are processed and used by KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH in compliance with applicable national and European data protection regulations. KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH maintains the confidentiality of the user's personal data and uses it only within the framework of the relationships between the user and KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH. The data are not passed on to third parties without the consent of the user.

Disclaimer of Liability

We assume no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. With external links we assume no responsibility for the correctness of the information on these Internet pages. Liability claims against KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH relating to material or non-material damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded. KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH expressly reserves the right to change or withdraw our Internet pages at any time and without prior notice or to block access to these Internet pages.

We do not accept any liability or guarantee for any links to which these internet sites refer directly or indirectly and in particular for links from other websites to our website. Since we have no influence on the design and contents of the linked internet pages, we do not assume any responsibility for the content of these internet pages.

All texts, pictures and graphics are subject to copyright and the laws for the protection of intellectual property. All contents are for personal, non-commercial information only. Any further commercial use, in particular storage in databases, publication, duplication and transfer to third parties as well as any other form of commercial use - even in parts or in revised form - without the prior written consent of the rightholders is prohibited. "starline®" and "hydros®" are registered trademarks of KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH.

Exceptions are the Internet pages of the Download section. The text material (questionnaires and brochures) offered here is available for download in the context of a request to KARL WEISS Technologies GmbH or for personal information.